Continued showroom progress!
Alright, Kristina and I are on a mission to get this Waimanalo showroom ready to go. Yesterday, we put the first sheets of 1/4" plywood on the walls. Today, we cut the sheets to fill in the gaps we left yesterday. When we hung the sheets of plywood together, the plywood didn't lay flat, but was quite a bit wavy. This is because its only 1/4" thick, and therefore has very little structure and a lot of flexibility. We got it because we needed 25 sheets, and at $11.50/sheet, its half the price of other 1/4" plywood, let alone 3/8" or 1/2", which would all be stiffer.
Anyhow, we found a fairly elegant way to fix the problem of the sheets not behaving. I cut 2.5" strips and we caulked the inside of the strip before stapling it over the gap between sheets. I like the way it came out!
I think Kristina is doing the staple gun dance.
Next step is to put primer on the walls. We bought a five gallon bucket of Zinsser Cover Stain, which is an oil based primer great for hiding the little imperfections and discolorations inherent in plywood. After oil based primer, we'll put a latex paint. Still haven't quite figured out what color to paint the walls. Deciding between a light gray and a yellowish white. Kristina will figure that one out!